Selecting a Website Monitoring Solution: An In-Depth Look
A high performing website must have a high performing website monitoring solution. In order for an entire enterprise to perform at optimum levels, the entire infrastructure must be free from errors and issues. For many websites, the only way to accomplish this goal is through a well-developed website monitoring solution. While the notion of adopting a website monitoring tool is nothing new to even novice website owners and operators, the actual process of selecting and purchasing a monitoring solution is not as simple. Although there are many elements that are unique to your enterprise, the following guide offers universal tips and suggestions applicable to a website of any size or purpose.
Monitoring Solution Complexity
While a monitoring solution should offer complex monitoring capabilities, how complex is the solution to actually utilize? If you’re unable to understand and effectively utilize each feature of a solution, then it’s rendered useless. Therefore, one of the most important elements to look for when selecting a website monitoring solution is its simplicity in terms of use. Do not assume the most complex and comprehensive solutions are the most complex in terms of user-friendliness. Some of the most effective solutions are designed for novice users, which in most instances, are those who need the highest level of protection and monitoring.
Understand Your Website Requirements
When choosing a website monitoring solution, it’s imperative that you select a tool capable of undertaking your unique requirements. While each website may feature unique elements and metrics, the two most important areas to monitor for any website is email communications and website performance/stability. In terms of website monitoring, it’s imperative that various metrics, such as forms and shops, are monitored instead of simply page response times and server availability. Also, it’s essential to remember your website is a growing and evolving entity. Therefore, you must choose a monitor that satisfies your current and future requirements.
Data Rendering for Readability
This feature ties into the first, which is the user-friendliness of the solution. While you may have a well-equipped monitoring solution capable of collecting a host of data values and performance reports, if this information is not broken down in a clear manner, it might as well not exist. Therefore, it’s imperative that your monitoring solution come with contextual reports capable of delivering complex information in an easily-understandable manner, such as graphs. Before purchasing any monitoring solution, take a look over how data is displayed. This is extremely important for those who operate on a complex infrastructure. As a general rule, the more complex your site, the greater the need for visual data reports.